Sudbury Working Group

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Portrait de Aimee Louw

I'm a freelance journalist and activist based in Montreal. I contribute to CKUT's news collective, and regularly host Native Solidarity News. My main areas of interest are Indigenous solidarity and fighting ableism in Quebec.

Portrait de Barriere Lake Solidarity

Barriere Lake Solidarity is a collective of supporters of the Mitchikanibikok Inik, The Algonquins of Barriere Lake in their struggles for land and self-determination.

Portrait de PAQG

le Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala (PAQG) est un organisme de solidarité basé sur l’engagement bénévole de militants des droits de la personne. Sa mission consiste à mener des actions de soutien à l'attention des défenseurs guatémaltèques des droits civils, politiques, sociaux, culturels et économiques, victimes d’exactions. Nos volontaires accompagnent ces militants dans leur lutte en faveur de la justice et observent la situation des droits de la personne dans le pays. Nos équipes au Québec, quant à elles, mettent en œuvre des activités destinées à sensibiliser le public aux enjeux de la solidarité internationale et à favoriser sa mobilisation et son engagement.

Portrait de MarcheTerreMere

Twitter: @MarcheTerreMere / #MarcheTerreMerre / #MotherEarthMarch
Interactive map (not itinerary):

The site for the Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.



About the Sudbury Working Group

The Sudbury working-group of The Media Co-op was formed to create independent media in the North, to speak to our issues and outlooks on our communities as well as the world around us. Independent media provides an avenue for people who are wishing to gain critical perspective on the issues that matter most to us, and to give a voice to those people and stories that you won't find in the mainstream media.

The Sudbury working-group site is no longer being updated and has been archived.